Maniac, a high-concept series, delves into the profound journey of individuals as they grapple with the weight of depression and the scars of past traumas, navigating these treacherous waters through the uncharted territory of revolutionary drug-induced psychedelic therapy. In preparation for its debut in the Italian market on Netflix, the creators placed a spotlight on one of the therapy's most potent elixirs: authentic human connections. Hence, they introduced ManiAPP, an innovative dating application designed to foster profound connections based on shared anxieties.
Users were granted the unique opportunity to craft their very own "Anxiety Profile," wherein they could handpick up to ten prevalent Italian anxieties from a meticulously curated database comprising nearly 200 unique concerns. This personalized profile served as the compass guiding them towards the platform's matchmaking realm, where they were intricately paired with fellow ManiAPP users whose anxieties harmonized, nurturing the seeds of understanding and empathy.