You've probably experienced the moment when you buy something and soon after the fact you find it at a lower price somewhere else. Right around that time, regret sets in, and you maybe even shed a tear. Zoommer decided to focus on precisely this subject for its Back to school campaign.
Our campaign focuses on helping people avoid such regrettable circumstances. Before buying electronic devices, we encourage consumers to check the prices in ZOOMMER first. Because we're well known to have the best prices out there.
In our ad, we see a father and a son carrying out newly bought tech gadgets from a Zoommer store. On the way, they encounter talking clouds with human facial features. It starts pouring because one of the clouds is crying tears of regret. As it turns out, they didn't remember to check the prices in Zoommer before buying their products at much higher cost elsewhere. At that moment, giant lips appear in the sky, proceeding to sing a verse from a famous Georgian song from a renowned national pop artist: "These are tears of regret that wet the eyes."
All doesn't end here. Just recently, Georgia has seen a boom in pyramid schemes. They are increasing in numbers, daily tricking people into wasting their hard-earned money. Our Zoommer ad touched on this topic as well. We wanted to parallel these circumstances with ours because here, too, we see people spending their money without checking the establishment first. And, as an added bonus, in the ad, we saw a giant financial pyramid get dismantled and sucked into a portable hand vacuum. Fun, right?
Every single message we conveyed in this as was in service of one goal, to help our customers learn how to spend their time and material resources mindfully so that it can all positively serve their development.